Please use this calculator to estimate the costs you can expect to pay for our Estate Administration Services.
Please contact a member of the Private Client team on 0333 987 5500
An email address is required
An email address is required and must match the email address
Please select whether England or Wales the permanent home of deceased
Please select whether the deceased made gifts of any form to individuals and/or trusts in the 7 years before their death in excess of £150,000 in total or made a gift of any amount where they continued to derive some benefit from the asset given away
Please select whether the deceased was a beneficiary of an existing trust
Please select whether the deceased had any foreign assets
Please select whether the deceased paid premiums on any life insurance policies that were not for their benefit or their spouse's benefit, or that do not pay out to their estate
Please select whether the deceased changed or disposed of their pension in the 2 years before they died
Please select how much the estate is worth including the value of the deceased's share of any assets held jointly with any other person
Please select whether you would like to include the administration service.
What does this service include?
Firstly, this includes the matters listed in the bullet points under the Grant Only Service.
In addition, we will undertake the general estate administration on behalf of the personal representative(s) of the estate. This will include:
Our role in the estate would not include any of the following matters unless specifically agreed by us with the personal representative(s). We can provide isolated quotes for any of these matters once specific further information about the estate has been provided.